The best bits

  • Guaranteed savings

    Enjoy long-term savings on your school’s power bill, freeing up money you can invest in other important areas.

  • Cheaper grid power

    Lock in a competitive Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), guaranteeing you a cheaper overall rate for both your solar and energy combined.

  • Reduced carbon footprint

    Lead the way in your community by significantly reducing your school’s carbon output, inspiring others to do the same.

  • Flexible solutions

    Get an energy solution tailored to best suit your school’s needs, while saving you as much as possible.

  • Educational opportunities

    Use the solar switch to teach your students about the important role of renewable energy in a sustainable future. 

Ask about solar for your school

Edendale Primary School

Meet Edendale Primary School, who’ve been powering their school with solar since 2022.

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